Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I felt kinda lazy yesterday, but I also confirmed that I put on a couple pounds when I got to the gym. Uh. Hello, motivation. Eff. Nothing big, but I know how much harder it is to lose a couple pounds than it is gain a couple pounds, so let's just go right ahead and nip this in the bud.

Kinda lazy + need a good sweaty workout = TABATA!

My long lost friend.

I busted out my GymBoss clock. Each round is 20 secs work, as many reps as possible, 10 secs rest, for 8 sets. 4 mins total. Always seems easy peasy for the first 2 sets aaaaand then I feel like dying for the remaining 3 mins.

1 round each:

squats (with just a 45 lb bar)
ab plank (wowwwww these need WORK)
lunges (standing in place, step BACK, and then back up to start. trust me. stepping forward = hurty knees and NOT has hurty butt cheeks, which is kinda the point of lunges)
jerk (45 lb bar)

With a min or two rest between rounds, the whole thing took about 20 mins and SMOKED me. Success.

The rad thing about TABATA is that you can do it with just about any exercise. Running, swings, snatches, sit ups, shoulder press, push ups. Just as long as it's something that you can safely do high reps with. So no heavy weight.

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