Tuesday, April 19, 2011


LG Crossfit!

Yesterday was one of the those days. Couch vs gym. I was gone all weekend and didn't get home until late Sunday night. Coming home after work and lounging around, cleaning up, unpacking, finishing the movie I started on Friday all sounded SO NICE. But I've been good about going to the gym. And I don't really have time today (tues) before I babysit so if I wait until weds to workout it will have been almost a week since my last workout. I'm smart and educated enough that there should never BE a couch vs gym battle. But there is. That's life. I'm glad that the gym has been winning more than the couch lately. Every day is another choice.

7×2 @ 80-85% 1RM (65# for me)

The Chief
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
3 Power Cleans 135/95# (75 lbs for me)
6 Pushups
9 Squats (I held a 25# plate)
Rest 1 minute and repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

The snatches felt pretty solid. Like I've said before, I'm afraid of failing (literally) in my gym. There's too much for the barbell to hit if it falls and it would be a hue racket. The 65# felt pretty good, though.

The Chief was legit. I hit almost exactly 3 rounds in every 3 mins. I was proud of myself for keeping up pace through the end, and was stoked that my best time for 3 rounds was the very last cycle. This was harder for my heart than the strength part of it. Huffing puffing, for SURE! I dug it.

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