Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Another workout from LG Crossfit.

I've decided to follow their workouts (mostly). I like them better than the main Crossfit page, so why the eff not?

So yesterdays workout? Holy balls. My arms were shot today. Hell, my WRISTS were shot. My hands were so tired from the bar work that they labored to type when I got into work. It's the little things that truly show me how much work I need to do!


Overhead Squat

3x95# for max reps (I used 55# and did 10 reps each set. Again, arms were SO tired)


5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Hang Power Clean Thruster 135/85# (ehh...I used 55# again. The cleans were easy peasy, the thrusters were much harder)



Repeat for 3 rounds with 1 minute rest between each round.

Ok, so, the weights that they usually designate for chicks (the second listed)? Would be challenging when I was in my best shape. Something to work towards!! I'm keeping it light-ish/doable (light-ish does NOT = easy. At. All. Just relatively light-ish)for a little while until I really start getting back into the groove. But STILL, after round 1, I thought "holy shit, I could call it quits and I would feel like I got a legit workout". I'm tired of slacking, though. I'm tired of being comfortable in my workouts. I watched Biggest Loser for 4 mins tonight (man, that show bugs me) and Bob said "you need to be uncomfortable". So true. I really pushed myself and it felt great. I recommend it.

But two back to back clean based workouts? Giant bruises on my collar bone and ev-er-y-thing hurts. It's nice :)

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