Another Crossfit Jersey Shore one! I LOVE that site. Sad that you have to pay for their daily workouts now, but they're so awesome that I certainly don't blame them.
The goal is to get 5 rounds in 25 mins, and finish your 5 rounds if you don't make the time. To be honest, I cant keep count past...ohh...2. So, yeah. I just go til my Gymboss beeps. Sidenote: bought the new camo Gymboss!! It's rad, but I think I think I liked my pink one more. Either way, it's the best watch around!
KB swings 5/5 (5 ea side, NOT alternating)
Pushups 10
KB Clean 5/5
KB push press 5/5
KB front squat 5/5
KB one arm row 5/5
Walkouts 5
Go heavy-ish. I would use a 16kg bell. For me, the best strategy is to just focus on the next exercise. Not the whole set. On pushups? Just focus on getting those 5 cleans in next. Don't think about how front squats are coming up and you hate those and you hate kettlebells and eff this is hard and you hate your life. Just those 5 cleans. Then those 5 push presses, etc.
Tip-When you start getting tired (there is a LOT of upper body in this), your swings are going to want to suffer. Don't let them. Keep your hips strong and really focus on keeping that shoulder pulled back into the socket. Don't let it get lazy and pull to the front.
This one was a real butt kicker! Thanks for putting me through it.