Thursday, July 21, 2011


Ok, the whole running thing isn't going particularly smoothly just yet!! But I'm giving myself a couple weeks to get back into it.

Sumo deadlift 5 reps/
20 alternating snatches
5 sets

1R/1L, 2R/2L, 3/R/3L kb press x 2sets

2 mile run (....jog)

My hips have been feeling really tight, so I did the sumo DL to open them up a bit. I feel like DL, snatches, and presses are a solid base right now to build my foundation strength back up. The combo sorta hits everything and it doesn't take very long to do. My hands are getting nice and ugly again!

The run went pretty well. I tend to forget that one of the hardest aspects of running for my is my shoulders. My left shoulder gets a really strong pulling feeling in it, and it effing hurts!!! It's deep down, right about half way between my shoulder and my neck. Can't quite figure out how to stretch it yet. I know if I'm better at warming it up, it will help.

Another big issue is that my iPod shuffle has disappeared. Workouts, especially running, with no music?! EFF. I know as soon as I fork over the money for a new one, I'll find it...damn it.

Weight: -1lb

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